United Occult Initiative

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United Occult Initiative
General Information
TypeAnomalous Research Organization
HeadquartersUOI Central Office (Mylonagrad, Rus Cooperative)
Mission StatementTo keep the peace and maintain friendly relations between occult organizations, protect humanity against all paranormal threats, and take any actions required to ensure the survival of the human race.
Personnel Information
Notable MembersSee "Personnel" Section
Member Count317,2 Thousand
Territorial Information
Notable BasesSee "Facilities" Section
Historical Information
Preceded By
Parent GroupYatan-Theian Accord[1]
Member GroupsSee "Occult Council" Section

The Collective

"Occult Community"

Created byHakced & Garvey
Controlled byHakced & Garvey

The United Occult Initiative is a coalition of various paranormal organizations operating underneath the umbrella of the Yatan-Theian Accord, dedicating themselves to researching, containing and destroying dangerous anomalous objects, entities and phenomena while also securing and re-habilitating safe, sapient anomalies. Due to these highly treacherous operations it engages in, the United Occult Initiative has developed several highly advanced paratechnologies to streamline their operations to have minimal human casualties.

The United Occult Initiative's stance towards anomalies is different than its competitors in the SDS Foundation's stance of containing all anomalies they discover if feasible and ethical. Instead the United Occult Initiative's primary directive is the defence of humanity, superceding its directive to research and understand the "parathreats" it discovers. If it deems something a threat to the continued existence of humanity, it will take whatever action it deems necessary to eliminate the threat. Be it containment, termination, destruction, etc. When it comes to non-threatening parathreats, the UOI is much more willing to utilise anomalies to its own advantage, be it for technology or other interests.


The United Occult Initiative's goal is to protect humanity against any paranormal threats via any means necessary, even if these means may be seen as cruel or unjustified towards the anomalous world it combats against. The United Occult Initiative is entrusted by the Yatan-Theian Accord and its 7 Member States to carry out this task in turn for being supplied with whatever resources the UOI requires to complete it.

Sapient anomalies are contained either contained in a humanoid-containment-facility if they have dangerous properties that could harm others, or are rehabilitated if they do not inherently cause harm to others due to their properties.

The United Occult Initiative itself technically operates publicly, yet avoids unnecessary public attention to their operations in order to avoid mass-panic and other resulting chaos from such an incident. In this semi-public position it conducts its operations against Anomalous objects, beings, and phenomena with the goal of defending against any possible threat.

Documented Anomalies

Humanoid Threat Entities are anomalous identities that are either Human or another sapient lifeform, thus necessitating more complex procedures when it comes to responce in necessary cases.

Known Threat Entities are anomalous entities which have been identified as Threats and slated for response.

  • KTE-0001-Malebranche-Freud "Baghuul" [Demonic Containment Site-01]
  • KTE-0002-Plague-Ebbinghaus "Scandimaro Sleeping Sickness" [Hazardous Biological-Threat Management Facility]
  • KTE-0003-Corona-Moreau "Tendrils" [Hazardous Biological-Threat Management Facility]
  • KTE-0008-Cetus-Honda "Godzilla" [Uncontained]
  • KTE-0009-Cetus-Hondachild "Godzilla-2" [Anomalous object and Inactive Entity Containment Facility]
  • KTE-0012-Honda-Alkahest "Void Corruption" [Void Anomaly Research and Containment Site]
  • KTE-0014-Staple-Gorgon "Spooky Gatorade" [Anomalous object and Inactive Entity Containment Facility]
  • KTE-0015-Cyan-Atlas "Sleep Watcher" [Uncontained]
  • KTE-0016-Honda-Lovelock "The Scourge" [Uncontained]
  • KTE-0017-Fiji-Burrhus "Rat Tsonga" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • KTE-0018-Honda-Van Allen "Octoscruncher" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • KTE-0019-Folderol-Burrhus "The Mask" [Point Alyph Containment Facility]
  • KTE-0021-Honda-Wagner "The Beasts of Keiria" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • KTE-0022-Burrhus-Zeus "Eternal Thunder" [Uncontained]
  • KTE-0023-Folderol-Blit "The Statue" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • KTE-0027-Fiji-Lovelock "The Flipper Creature" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • KTE-0028-NACL-Faraday "The Latina Ravager" [Uncontained, Held by TERAPRO]
  • KTE-0032-Alexandria-Clockwork "Diary of Targoltos" [Anomalous object and Inactive Entity Containment Facility]
  • KTE-0033-Djerassi-Burrhus "Abyssal Connection" [Uncontained, KOS]
  • KTE-0034-Yellow-Corona "Lunar Agartha" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]

  • Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.

  • UTE-0004-L'Engle-Karozzin "Yggdrasil" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • UTE-0005-Cheshire-Vegas "Deep Impact" [Uncontained]
  • UTE-0026-Parallax-Penrose "Controllable Blackhole" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • UTE-0029-Parallax-Chrysopoeia "When Day Breaks" [Uncontained]
  • UTE-0030-Parallax-Peshtigo "Total Annihalation" [Uncontained]
  • UTE-0036-Indigo-Corona "The Metal Mind" [Uncontained]

  • Potential Threat Entities are anomalous entities who are not yet considered Threats, but have a high likelihood of becoming Threats.

  • PTE-0007-Templum-Freud "Louisiana" [Uncontained]
  • PTE-0020-Blaecca-Nuntius "Living Computer" [Uncontained]
  • PTE-0025-Silver-Leviathan "The Collective" [Uncontained, Cooperative]
  • UTE-0031-Neth-Nuntius "Aleph Null" [Uncontained, Held by SDS]
  • UTE-0038-Joyride-Van Allen "The Data-Source" [Joint-Kuiper-Station: 1A]
  • UTE-0040-Indigo-Blackwood "Isla" [Uncontained, Cooperative with SDS]

  • Structure

    The United Occult Initiative is formed out of 5 main divisions, these being the Occult Council, High Command, ACTION Division, ADDRESS Division and ASSIST Division.

    • Occult Council: Consists of hundreds of representatives from various paranormal organizations that serve as the "leadership" of the UOI.
    • High Command: Coordinates, Directs and Administrates the UOI.
    • ACTION Division: Observes, Researches and Eliminates Anomalies. Additionally responsible for the UOI's Armed-Forces.
    • ADDRESS Division: Maintains diplomatic ties with Organizations, Nations and Communities.
    • ASSIST Division: Handles Logistics and R&D.

    Occult Council Members

    Symbol Name Organization Type Headquarters Description
    Ascendancy of the Nornir Transhumanist Occult Organization Ascendancy Centre - Niederbach A transhumanist religious organization based in Europe devoted to the worship of three Supercomputers.
    Church of Mekhane Mechanicalist Religious Organization Mekhanite Church of Athens (Athens, Choros) A Church which believes that organic beings are inherently impure in some form, alongside a belief that that their god is in a reversible fragmented state.
    Crimson Republic of Adytium Crimsonist Anomalous Republic Adytia A Democratic Republic following the anomalous "Crimson Faith". This nation contains several anomalous entities and beings.
    Department of Containing Anomalous Entities Anomalous Research and Containment Department Research and Containment Site Alpha The CIS Department responsible for researching, rehabilitating and containing anomalous objects and entities.
    Holy Order of Christ Catholic Military Order Metropolitan Church of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ A catholic military order descended from the ancient Knightly Order of Christ, which was once a prominent military force in Ancient Europe.
    International Parahealth Institute Medical Organization IPI Central Office The International Health Organization's division for dealing with anomalous diseases.
    Scientific Church of Satan Antitheistic Occult Organization International Center for Scientific Satanism An anti-theistic occult organization closely aligned to LaVeyan Satanism, opposing all religions, instead believing in the supremacy of human will over any religious figures.
    The Stargazer's Church Hyacinthan Communion Stargazer Executive Council Headquarters A international religious communion based in Catania following the extrasolar Hyacinthan Faith. Many of its members are aliens from across the Milky Way, with some extragalactic members also being a part of it.
    The Æsir Allegiance Norse-Pagan Organization Åsatru-troskapen bygning A norse-pagan organization based in Svealand. They are proficient in magick, which is channeled into their religious devotion to their gods.
    Theian Paranormal Unit Anomalous Research Department TPU Wing The League of Theia's Anomalous research and investigation organization formed to deal with anomalies found on Theia.
    Unified Academy of Thaumatology Occult-Studies Academy UAT - Yetia City An Academic Organization which operates various Thaumatology (Magic) Colleges across the world.
    Valheimir Illuminati Secret Society Illuminati Central Forum A secret society which has operated since Ancient Yata's Elemental Nations period. They were formed to oppose superstition and promote human rights, which they believe is best accomplished in secrecy.

    Former Occult Council Members

    Symbol Name Organization Type Headquarters Description
    UMB-Paradivizion Anomalous Research Department Paradivizion Central Office The branch of The Confederacy's International Security Directorate responsible for handling anomalous occurrences and situations within its borders, promptly dissolving upon the Confedercy's collapse

    ACTION Sub-Units

    Strike Teams
    • Anti-Theological Warfare Unit: Deals with theological anomalies, groups and anti-cult operations. Primarily staffed by SCS operatives.
    • Strike Team "Katabasis": Formed to travel to different dimensions when the technology is achieved, until then operating as a team to gather technology that could achieve this.
    Assessment Teams

    ADDRESS Sub-Units

    Minor Divisions

  • Accounting Division: Handles monetary issues and allocation alongside government funding.
  • Dimensional Armsrace Project: Researches dimensional travel in order to compete with the SDS Foundation's pre-existing project to achieve this.
  • Personnel

    High Command

    Occult Council
    General Administrative Staff





    U.O.I High/Central Command

    Includes High Command, and Centralised Facilities not run by a specific Occult Council member.

    Occupied Facilities

    Occupied Facilities are various buildings across Yata and Theia which the UOI has seized control over, although doesn't legally own therefore limiting its usage of them.

    Ascendancy of the Nornir

    Church of Mekhane

    Department of Containing Anomalous Entities

    Holy Order of Christ


    International Paradisease Institute

    Scientific Church of Satan

    The Stargazer's Church

    The Æsir Allegiance

    Theian Paranormal Unit

    Unified Academy of Thaumatology

    MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Ascendancy of the NornirChurch of MekhaneCrimson Republic of AdytiumDepartment of Containing Anomalous EntitiesHoly Order of ChristInternational Parahealth InstituteScientific Church of SatanThe Stargazer's ChurchThe Æsir AllegianceTheian Paranormal UnitUnified Academy of ThaumatologyValheimir Illuminati
    ACTION Sub-Units Anti-Theological Warfare UnitStrike Team "Katabasis"Taskforce for Dimensional ResearchTaskforce for Interstellar Threats
    ADDRESS Sub-Units
    ASSIST Sub-Units Archive-Unit "Soter"R&D-Unit "Ptolemy"R&D Unit "Alighieri"
    Unorganized Sub-Units Accounting DivisionDimensional Armsrace Project
    NOTABLE EMPLOYEES Abel BrantAlexander DiakosCamryn KaufmanCharles GreenElliott BoyleErekay EvseevJason WintersJørgen NodlandLynn FehrObukhov LarionovichOtto WeishauptPierre-Louis BrassardRoyce PattonSaige CarterVenne HallYenina Artemievna
    ARCHIVE Project Overseer
    FACILITIES Ascendancy Centre - NiederbachAscendancy Centre - TrondheimBackrooms Transportation Research and Interdimensional Travel FacilityBeijing Anomalous Research CentreBeijing Illuminati OfficeBelt-Station ALPHADemonic Containment Site-01Development Study OfficeHazardous Biological-Threat Management FacilityIPI Central OfficeIlluminati Central ForumInterdimensional Translocation StationInternational Center for Scientific SatanismJoint-Kuiper-Station: 1ALOTCO - TPU WingLOTROM - TPU Wing (Northport, Macanaland) • Mekhanite Church of AthensMekhanite Church of New TehranMekhanite Church of New WarsawMetropolitan Church of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of ChristNew-Sizzle Illuminati OfficePoint Alyph Containment FacilityPrimary Data Centre - EvenkiaResearch and Containment Site AlphaSecondary Data Archive - ColoradoVoid Anomaly Research and Containment SiteUAT - EmiroUAT - LinasgradUAT - NayashaUAT - New AbardUAT - SapporoUAT - Yetia CityUOI Central OfficeParadivizion Central OfficeÅsatru-troskapen bygning
    THREAT ENTITIES (All Types) KTE-0001-Malebranche-FreudKTE-0002-Plague-EbbinghausKTE-0003-Corona-MoreauUTE-0004-L'Engle-KarozzinUTE-0005-Cheshire-VegasLTE-0006-Green-NethPTE-0007-Templum-FreudKTE-0008-Cetus-HondaKTE-0009-Cetus-HondachildHTE-0011-Blue-SpiralKTE-0012-Honda-AlkahestKTE-0014-Staple-GorgonKTE-0015-Cyan-AtlasKTE-0016-Honda-LovelockKTE-0017-Fiji-BurrhusKTE-0018-Honda-Van AllenKTE-0019-Folderol-BurrhusPTE-0020-Blaecca-NuntiusKTE-0021-Honda-WagnerKTE-0022-Burrhus-ZeusKTE-0023-Folderol-BlitNTE-0024-Beige-Ex MachinaPTE-0025-Silver-LeviathanUTE-0026-Parallax-PenroseKTE-0027-Fiji-LovelockKTE-0028-NACL-FaradayUTE-0029-Parallax-ChrysopoeiaUTE-0030-Parallax-PeshtigoUTE-0031-Neth-NuntiusKTE-0032-Alexandria-ClockworkKTE-0033-Djerassi-BurrhusKTE-0034-Yellow-CoronaLTE-0035-Green-FreudUTE-0036-Indigo-CoronaNTE-0037UTE-0038-Joyride-Van AllenLTE-0039-Blue-GriffinUTE-0040-Indigo-BlackwoodLTE-0041-Moro-Brass
    NON-THREAT ENTITIES NTE-0010-Folderol-Abbot
    OTHER ENTITIES PTE-0013-Neth-Garrow
    Alpha Sol
    Academic Unified Academy of ThaumatologyUniversity of Equilibrium
    Activists Gamers Against BigotryLibrary of EdenSuccessive Organization of Trophian IdealsWorld Safety Foundation
    Artistic Anssenian Occult AcademyClub de l'InsoliteThe International Avant-Garde
    Companies Accord ShipyardsAeternusAeternus Combat SystemsAeternus LogisticsAeternus ManufacturingAeternus MaterialsAeternus OilAeternus ShipyardsAeternus SoftwareAnodyneAurum DiningBionitech IndustriesConcordance SpacetechCruisertainmentCyber Corp.DynamicDynauctionEirnic Factory Restoration CompanyEtherChemFazbear Entertainment Inc.Funporium Inc.InterEurasiaIolava RoboticsIslandian ExocorpMiller, Patel and LauNarafieldNarakamian Stellar GroupNarakh Mining Corp.Sinoviet IndustriesStarDropStarline TechnologiesTheia Free Economic AssociationTheia MarketTrans-EurasiaYetia Times
    Criminal Syndicates Cobalt CrossKoruma
    Government Departments Department of Containing Anomalous EntitiesImperial Yakamotian Abnormal Incidents DivisionNislandian Range Security DepartmentOffice of National IntelligenceTheian Paranormal UnitYNF Engineering Corps
    Paramilitaries Ceylonese PiratesCheckmate AssociationFurry Rights MovementGamer AssociationLegion of ChaosORSE clan
    Occult Orgs & Secret Societies Ascendancy of the NornirIlluminatiOrder of the Metal MindScientific Church of SatanThe CollectiveThe Æsir AllegianceUnited Occult Initiative
    Religions & Cults Children of ApollyonChurch of GorChurch of MekhaneChurch of the Cosmic CircleChurch of the Red LeaderConcord of Armed ExorcistsCovenant of WanCrimson FaithHoly Order of ChristMechanical FaithQuinary ChurchSarpian Felinist ChurchSecond Mechanical ChurchThe Stargazer's Church
    Scientific Galactic Observation SocietyGensokyo-Iujadogia-Osania Research CommitteeInternational Health OrganizationInternational Parahealth InstituteInternational Scientific AssemblyIRIPHOS InstituteJADIRAD InstituteSDS FoundationSuperorganism Management CommitteeTERAPRO Institute
    Academic Library of Eden
    Government Departments Regialian Commission on Unnatural Objects
    Secret Societies Brotherhood of the Iron God
    Extranational Militaries Hybrid EnclaveThe Celestial Army
    Religions & Cults Hyacinthan Faith
    Scientific Council of Genetic PurityIRIS
    Tribes Forsaken Community
    Liminal Spaces
    Academic Infinity College
    Companies Backrooms Transport AgencyChasmic Urban Development OrganizationDiner Staff
    Exploration Groups Backrooms Reorganized Explorer's Organization
    Militant Groups Backrooms Military AdministrationGoliath CrewInsurgency against Earthly Colonization of the BackroomsSovereign Backrooms CoalitionYetian Corecent Rediscovery Squad
    Settlements City State of InfinitopolisSilvanusThe DarkenedThe WonderlandTruffle Diarchy
    Survival Groups Furry SquadSecure-Defend-Subjugate BackroomsSwim TeamThe Student's Union
    Academic Platonic Academy of Neas Orleanis
    Companies Largur Incorporated
    Noospheric Hiveminds Eunoia CollectiveOneiroi-NoctuaZhouwen
    Scientific Cosmological Research Institute
    Alpha Sol Accord Occult-ForceAgricultural-Industrial Workers CommitteeAtomme Company Ltd.Bongus Stellar OrganizationBureau for the Research of Sufist ArtifactsCarnival of OdditiesEcho OperativesEmiro PhantomEmiro SpiritFCPHouse of YeteviaHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial CouncilIndependent Space Aeronautics CommissionISD-ParadivizionKingdom of YataNaraikh ShipyardsNational Insurgent Organization of VedaburgOpel InteractiveOrder of GanymedeOrganization of Labour and Security CommitteesParanormal Investigation DirectorateSDL CoalitionSDR InstituteStargazing SocietyTarqalan EmpireThe FoundryThe Mechanical ChurchUFR Space AgencyXiaweiyi SocietyYetian National CompanyZuchuan Society
    Extrasolar Kaieuhth-Urhn EmpireThe Apostolic Church of Eternal Revelation
    Liminal Spaces Education United
    1. As a Specialized Organization, whom have near-full autonomy.