SDS-014 "Rat Tsonga"
Item#: SDS-014⠀ | Clearance Level 2: Restricted |
Containment Class: Alyph | Disruption Class: 2/Limited |
Risk Class: 3/Warning |
Containment Procedures
SDS-014 is contained in a humanoid containment cell with customised rat-sized furniture. This has been to prevent it from persuading people to help it escape from containment, this is due to a prior incident in which SDS-014 breached containment by influencing a site security officer. It can be interacted with by wearing eye protection.
SDS-014 is a anomalous brown rat (rattus norvegicus) contained in Containment-Site-5. Its main anomalous property is its Eyes, looking at SDS-014 induces a sense of dread that it is supposedly god like in power and need to comply with SDS-014, in which it may command you do do anything it feels is the most beneficial thing to itself. Though, This is all a lie because SDS-014 is not as powerful as it says and merely posses slightly higher than normal physical capabilities of a common rat. Despite this, Its IQ has been measured to be approximately 95 and is quite conversational. It claims it is called 'Tsonga' and comes from a far off land with more rats like this, Despite the lack of ability to verify its claims SDS-014 has been interviewed multiple times trying to find out where said other instances of SDS-014 as of now referred to as SDS-014-A are located.