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People's Republic of Abard
General Info
Official Name
  • People's Republic of Abard
  • Volksrepubliek Abard
  • Sluagh-phoblachd na Abaird
Common NameAbard
MottoUnity in Diversity
CapitalNew Abard
Anthem"Here seën Afrika / Beannaich an Tighearna Afraga"
GovernmentFederal Presidential Republic
IdeologyDemocratic Socialism
Head of StateKaikara Loots
Head of Government
LegislatureParliament of Abard
Ruling PartyPan-African People's Party - Reformist
Official Language(s)
  • Afrikaans (De Facto/Jure)
  • Scots Gaelic (De Jure)
State ReligionSecular
CurrencyAbardean Mark
Ethnic Groups
Major Languages
  • Afrikaans
  • Herero
  • Khoekhoe
  • (Luxurian) English
  • Scots Gaelic
Minority Languages
  • ǃKung
  • (Many Khoisan Languages)
Major ReligionsProtestant Christianity
Major Cities
Soldier Count650 Thousand
Spacefleet31 Ships
Maritime fleet59 Active Ships
Airforces950 Aircraft
Nuclear Arsenal60 Warheads
Other Assets
RegionSouthern Africa
Real-Life LocationSouth Africa & Namibia
Historical Info
Preceded byThe Confederacy
Succeeded by

The People's Republic of Abard (Usually known as just Abard) is a Federal Presidential Republic located in the south-west of Africa, being the oldest nation within the continent. Abard borders Wanaoishi to the north and the East African Federation to the east, with its capital of New Abard located near the tripoint between the three nations. Before its capital being located in far north of its territory, the southern city of Cape Town held the status of capital until it was abandoned following a plague outbreak.

Abard is one of the oldest continually existing countries on Yata, existing in with various different forms of government over its several centuries of existence. These eras include being an Absolute Monarchy, a Nationalist Republic, a Colony, a Fascist Constitutional Monarchy, and a socialist republic. The current governance in Abard is largely based upon the socialist constitution established in 355 following the EAF and PRA's victory in the Abardean War against the Abuja Accords, of which the far-right apartheid Empire of Abard was a member. Following this conflict, the Pan-African People's Party gained power in Abard and continued its reign until the Great War of Unity, following which Abard was annexed into The Confederacy until its declaration of independence 5 years later during the Confederacy's collapse. Following the regaining of independence, the reformist faction of the Pan-African People's Party gained power and greatly democratized and federalized Abard into its current system.

Government & Politics

Abard is a Presidential Republic lead by president Kaikara Loots of the Pan-African People's Party's Reformist Faction. The President acts as both Head of State and Head of Government, with a independent legislature underneath them.

Additionally Abard is a Federal state, with each of its subdivisions having their own government and laws. The Autonomous Provinces of Khoisan, West Herero and East Herero hold significantly higher levels of autonomy than the standard Provinces of Cape and Namib located in the south. The Capital District is separate from any province, and is run as a federal district.

Foreign Relations

Abard is not a part of any major alliance or pact, but regardless has close relations with nations such as the East African Federation, Wanaoishi and the nations part of the Union of West African States.


Economically Abard is a mixed economy in which the free market is still engaged with while the government implements socialist policies such as improved worker rights, nationalization of key industries, and state-managed wealth equality. While many of its major urban areas are dominated by the service sector, a majority of Abard's population still works within the agricultural and industrial sectors, which tend to make up a majority of the nation's economy.


Abard is very multicultural, with both native african ethnic groups such as the Khoisan and Herero peoples alongside groups descended from former colonists that have in the past controlled its territory.

Graphical Lists
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Other Nation Lists NarakamExtradimensional NationsFormer NationsAccord Member StatesGroups List* • Kanashi ClansYomtach Clans
Archived Lists Alien NationsOther Nations
Terrestrial Nations
Yata AghambAlicorn Kingdom (North Alicorn KingdomSouth Alicorn Kingdom) • AnexkhlaschlamegaCharalandCreepylandCyprusHostage BoxKalmykiaKangaroo IslandKorumaLuvamatriliaNotiaPetoriaPravdaSamsungVilikyWinelandYatan CommonwealthYenteviaYyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiyaZina
Theia AdytiumAndroidiaCatjamCoconut KingdomFeur IslandKarina DynastyLahdiaMichigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'MichiganMissisippiPasagrePolskRebeccaSandlandTheia Free Economic AssociationTheian FederationTieksaYakamotomotoZina
Skantos PhillealandPraxtus
Narakam CreepylandZina
Kanashi Corvus Khristus
Space Nations
Extrasolar Nations Abyssal EnclaveArrian AuthorityBlarg RepublicCorporate Management CommissionElder OverseersEmpire of the Twelve SunsEmpyriumForsaken CommunityGalactic FederationHAWKHigh Priest's FiefdomImperium of KingsIujado Realm of Titan* • Terzan-2 CoalitionVaspid EmpireVezcian HegemonyYatan-Theian Accord
Accord Member States Commonwealth of Independent SystemsNarakamian ConfederationTechnate of AltairTheian FederationYatan Commonwealth
Extragalactic Nations Onaxian State
Extradimensional Nations WIP
Former Nations
Former Yatan Nations AbardAhaggarAlabamaAlbaniaAlhayatAlinyaAlmadinaAnakistanAnti-Empire RepublicApothilene DemocracyArgentina (Until 388)AsgorthAsian Soviet Socialist UnionAsophaniaAïrBaltic Free StateBaltic GovernorateBaltic RepublicCarbonCaspian GovernorateCaucasian LeagueCelticThe ConfederacyCotunauiniaCrimean GovernorateImperial Domain of CyprusDenasolaEast YetiaEastern Yetai EmpireEllariaFinlandFinland (Empire Wars)HongerswakHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial HordeIrelandIslandiaItalyItaly (Pre-Luxuria)IzumoKalevalaKronarKurdufan GovernorateLustlandLuvuriaLuxuriaMaghrebMakebiaManzheboyiMylonagradNakmaiNay'BlingNeo-Yetai StateNew Luxurian EmpireNopedroNunlandOmniaPoavakPolandRed ArmyRed CityRossiyaRuthenian ConfederacySaipulusiSarpistanSazziScandimarScotlandSekljuyanSiberiaSipedroLabour Collective of SizhouRepublic of Sizzle (Beijing Government)South SizzleSpisosSvalbardTarqalan EmpireThe Holy LandTripoliKingdom of TritoniaTritonian ConfederacyTurkestanTurkeyUgandaUnited Nations of YataUnited Arab RepublicVolzhskiy TriumvirateWaclawPeople's Republic of WaclawWalesWanaoishiWestern Yetai EmpireYamaliaYetai EmpireDuchy of YetiaOrder State of YetiaRepublican YetiaFirst Yetian EmpireYetian People's Union • •Socialist Union of YetiaYetian BritanniaYetian Omnia
Former Theian Nations

AlsavaeidAnarchist ChatouBinglandBingustanBongustanDazhyynDulocFlop CongFloppa CityFlopskadiGensokyoGheylaOsaniaSenkaiSogga IslandSumeraSwagoniaEmpire of SwagoniaTheian Republic
Former Corestian Nations WIP
Former Skantoan Nations WIP
Former Extrasolar Nations AARS TerritoryFoarhinneaImperial SarconiaKaieuhth-Urhn EmpireKingdom of YataLuxurian Space EmpireNebularian HegemonyOrder of GanymedeSirrenic AeroliaSolar NationSolaryan ClansSubaquiaTheldic AuthorityVorxan HivesWei'vir Realm
Former Extragalactic Nations