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Republic of Argentina
General Info
Official NameRepublic of Argentina
Common NameArgentina
CapitalArgentina City
AnthemHimno Nacional Argentino
GovernmentUnitary Presidential Republic
IdeologyLiberal Conservatism
Head of StateLauri Uimonen
Official Language(s)Spanish
State ReligionSecular
CurrencyArgentine Peso
Population146.2 Million
Minority Languages
  • Mapuche
  • Portuguese
Major ReligionsCatholic Christianity
ContinentSouth America
RegionSouthern South America
Historical Info
Preceded byYetian Argentina
Succeeded by
Created byLauri
Controlled byHakced

The Republic of Argentina more commonly known as Argentina was a large sovereign state extending across much of the southernmost point of the Americas. Argentina had a population of 142.2 million people, alongside being home to the largest city in the entirety of human space, Argentina City.


Argentina was a unitary democratic republic under the leadership of Lauri Uimonen, an immortal whom kept getting re-elected due to his massive popularity in the country.


Argentina was broadly culturally and ethnically homogenous, with only small indigenous communities such as the Mapuche and Guaicuru peoples. Religion-wise Argentina was mostly catholic, with small communities of lutherans. In the past Argentina was additionally home to the religion of Laurism before its popularity diminished


Argentina was founded in the early 20s as a colony of Yetia, gaining its independence roughly a decade later. Argentina mainly stuck to itself, except for assisting Yetia in occasional conflicts until World War 1, in which Argentina severed its pact with Yetia and became a wholly sovereign state. Argentina participated in World War 1 as a member of the Coalition of Nations, occupying Czechohungaria Province after Yetia's defeat. This occupation zone would eventually collapse as the first phase of the Yetian War of Independence, prompting Argentina to entirely leave Yetia. Argentina afterwards remained mostly neutral, with the small exception of joining Yetia's side during a world war in 137 until its defeat in 138, forcing it to pay reparations to its northern neighbours. Argentina since then went back to its solitude except for agreeing to the Luxuria-Argentina Bridge Project. Argentina eventually joined The Confederacy in 394, and became part of the People's Republic of the Patria Grande once the Confederacy collapsed.

Argentina was founded before the year system was made (Approximately sometime in the 20s or 30s) as a former Yetian colonial posession which gained idnependance as a member of the Yetian Commonwealth. Argentina hjelped yetia in most of its wars due to treaty obligations until World War 1 in which Argentina left the Yetian Commonwealth and became a fully independant nation and invaded Yetia during World War 1, gaining occupation over areas such as Hungary. Argentine occupation eventually collapsed into the Yetian War of Independance and they left Yetia. Argentina afterwards remained mostly neutral for nearly a century until it joined in on a ongoing world war in 137. It was defeated in 138 and forced to sign reperations. ever since then they signed the Luxuria-Argentina Bridge Project and hasn't done much else other than been neutral.

Argentina is a democratic nation under the rulership of president Lauri Uimonen who is seemingly immortal due to him ruling the nation for over 2 centuries.

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