Galactic Federation: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Wip}}{{Country(Extrasolar)|name=Galactic Federation Remnants|image1=Galacticfederation.png|image2=Federationmap.png|common name=*Galactic Federation *The Federation|official name=Galactic Federation|organization type=*Military Junta (Xan Military District) *Council of Bureaucrats (Galactic Interim Government)|head of state=*Admiral Guin Naxerhs (XMD) *Tuul'ja Council (GIG)|legislature=Galactic Congress|anthem=[ Anthem of t...")
(Outdated Flair)
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{{Wip}}{{Country(Extrasolar)|name=Galactic Federation Remnants|image1=Galacticfederation.png|image2=Federationmap.png|common name=*Galactic Federation
{{Wip}}{{Outdated}}{{Country(Extrasolar)|name=Galactic Federation Remnants|image1=Galacticfederation.png|image2=Federationmap.png|common name=*Galactic Federation
*The Federation|official name=Galactic Federation|organization type=*Military Junta (Xan Military District)
*The Federation|official name=Galactic Federation|organization type=*Military Junta (Xan Military District)
*Council of Bureaucrats (Galactic Interim Government)|head of state=*Admiral [[Guin Naxerhs]] (XMD)
*Council of Bureaucrats (Galactic Interim Government)|head of state=*Admiral [[Guin Naxerhs]] (XMD)

Revision as of 18:56, 19 October 2024

Galactic Federation Remnants
Governmental Information
Common Name
  • Galactic Federation
  • The Federation
Official NameGalactic Federation
Organization Type
  • Military Junta (Xan Military District)
  • Council of Bureaucrats (Galactic Interim Government)
Head of State
LegislatureGalactic Congress
Societal Information
AnthemAnthem of the Galactic Federation
Capital World
Official LanguageSolar Standard
CurrencyFederation Algols
State ReligionSecular
DemonymFederation Citizen
Population518 Billion
Dominant Species
Other Species
Major Languages(Various)
Major Religions
  • Deep Core
  • Inner Core
  • Outer Core
  • Inner Rim
  • Center Rim
  • Mid Rim
  • Outer Rim
  • Unknown Space
Historical Information
Date Founded321
Date Dissolved393 (Great Cosmic Commonwealthseizes power, Federation remnants continue to fight on regionally)
Preceded By
Created byHakced
Controlled byHakced

The Galactic Federation was a large interstellar federation of autonomous states spread across much of the center of the Milky Way galaxy, in addition to some minor holdings in other regions and satellite galaxies. Ever since its formation the Galactic Federation had been one of the major players within the galaxy, acting as a superpower alongside the Protoss and Kings. In 393 the Federation was usurped by the Omniphanes Society's "Great Cosmic Commonwealth", rendering its central government defunct whole remnants still loyal to the Federation continue to fight on.

Galactic Interim Government

The Galactic Interim Government is a civilian government based in the former Federation's north-west on the planet of Tuul'ja, from which they have managed to exert some degree of control. Due to their precarious position nearly entirely surrounded by enemy forces, the G.I.G's ruling Tuul'ja Council has assumed provisional dictatorial powers to direct the war effort.

Xan Military District

The Xan Military District is a military government based int he former Federation's south-west on the planet of Guang-xan, from which they have been largely successful and since the beginning of the Galactic-Cosmic War greatly expanded their holdings across much of the southern Federation with assistance from the Galactic Community. The XMD is ruled by Admiral Guin Naxerhs of the Federation Starfleet, whose forces manage to maintain control of the region even after the fall of the central government.

The Galactic Insignia

The Galactic Insignia is the official emblem of the Galactic Federation, with the central star representing the Deep Core, the two triangles representing the galaxy and the 6 stars representing the other galactic rims (Excluding Unknown Space)

Federation Armed Forces


Federation Starfleet

Federation Navy

Xin-Martian Fleet

Member States


Graphical Lists
Main Nation Lists YataTheiaSkantosExtrasolar Nations
Other Nation Lists NarakamExtradimensional NationsFormer NationsAccord Member StatesGroups List* • Kanashi ClansYomtach Clans
Archived Lists Alien NationsOther Nations
Terrestrial Nations
Yata AghambAlicorn Kingdom (North Alicorn KingdomSouth Alicorn Kingdom) • AnexkhlaschlamegaCharalandCreepylandCyprusHostage BoxKalmykiaKangaroo IslandKorumaLuvamatriliaNotiaPetoriaPravdaSamsungVilikyWinelandYatan CommonwealthYenteviaYyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiyaZina
Theia AdytiumAndroidiaCatjamCoconut KingdomFeur IslandKarina DynastyLahdiaMichigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'MichiganMissisippiPasagrePolskRebeccaSandlandTheia Free Economic AssociationTheian FederationTieksaYakamotomotoZina
Skantos PhillealandPraxtus
Narakam CreepylandZina
Kanashi Corvus Khristus
Space Nations
Extrasolar Nations Abyssal EnclaveArrian AuthorityBlarg RepublicCorporate Management CommissionElder OverseersEmpire of the Twelve SunsEmpyriumForsaken CommunityGalactic FederationHAWKHigh Priest's FiefdomImperium of KingsIujado Realm of Titan* • Terzan-2 CoalitionVaspid EmpireVezcian HegemonyYatan-Theian Accord
Accord Member States Commonwealth of Independent SystemsNarakamian ConfederationTechnate of AltairTheian FederationYatan Commonwealth
Extragalactic Nations Onaxian State
Extradimensional Nations WIP
Former Nations
Former Yatan Nations AbardAhaggarAlabamaAlbaniaAlhayatAlinyaAlmadinaAnakistanAnti-Empire RepublicApothilene DemocracyArgentina (Until 388)AsgorthAsian Soviet Socialist UnionAsophaniaAïrBaltic Free StateBaltic GovernorateBaltic RepublicCarbonCaspian GovernorateCaucasian LeagueCelticThe ConfederacyCotunauiniaCrimean GovernorateImperial Domain of CyprusDenasolaEast YetiaEastern Yetai EmpireEllariaFinlandFinland (Empire Wars)HongerswakHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial HordeIrelandIslandiaItalyItaly (Pre-Luxuria)IzumoKalevalaKronarKurdufan GovernorateLustlandLuvuriaLuxuriaMaghrebMakebiaManzheboyiMylonagradNakmaiNay'BlingNeo-Yetai StateNew Luxurian EmpireNopedroNunlandOmniaPoavakPolandRed ArmyRed CityRossiyaRuthenian ConfederacySaipulusiSarpistanSazziScandimarScotlandSekljuyanSiberiaSipedroLabour Collective of SizhouRepublic of Sizzle (Beijing Government)South SizzleSpisosSvalbardTarqalan EmpireThe Holy LandTripoliKingdom of TritoniaTritonian ConfederacyTurkestanTurkeyUgandaUnited Nations of YataUnited Arab RepublicVolzhskiy TriumvirateWaclawPeople's Republic of WaclawWalesWanaoishiWestern Yetai EmpireYamaliaYetai EmpireDuchy of YetiaOrder State of YetiaRepublican YetiaFirst Yetian EmpireYetian People's Union • •Socialist Union of YetiaYetian BritanniaYetian Omnia
Former Theian Nations

AlsavaeidAnarchist ChatouBinglandBingustanBongustanDazhyynDulocFlop CongFloppa CityFlopskadiGensokyoGheylaOsaniaSenkaiSogga IslandSumeraSwagoniaEmpire of SwagoniaTheian Republic
Former Corestian Nations WIP
Former Skantoan Nations WIP
Former Extrasolar Nations AARS TerritoryFoarhinneaImperial SarconiaKaieuhth-Urhn EmpireKingdom of YataLuxurian Space EmpireNebularian HegemonyOrder of GanymedeSirrenic AeroliaSolar NationSolaryan ClansSubaquiaTheldic AuthorityVorxan HivesWei'vir Realm
Former Extragalactic Nations