Archived/Countries/Alien Nations

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Graphical Lists
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Other Nation Lists NarakamExtradimensional NationsFormer NationsAccord Member StatesGroups List* • Kanashi ClansYomtach Clans
Archived Lists Alien NationsOther Nations
Terrestrial Nations
Yata AghambAlicorn Kingdom (North Alicorn KingdomSouth Alicorn Kingdom) • AnexkhlaschlamegaCharalandCreepylandCyprusHostage BoxKalmykiaKangaroo IslandKorumaLuvamatriliaNotiaPetoriaPravdaSamsungVilikyWinelandYatan CommonwealthYenteviaYyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiyaZina
Theia AdytiumAndroidiaCatjamCoconut KingdomFeur IslandKarina DynastyLahdiaMichigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'MichiganMissisippiPasagrePolskRebeccaSandlandTheia Free Economic AssociationTheian FederationTieksaYakamotomotoZina
Skantos PhillealandPraxtus
Narakam CreepylandZina
Kanashi Corvus Khristus
Space Nations
Extrasolar Nations Abyssal EnclaveArrian AuthorityBlarg RepublicCorporate Management CommissionElder OverseersEmpire of the Twelve SunsEmpyriumForsaken CommunityGalactic FederationHAWKHigh Priest's FiefdomImperium of KingsIujado Realm of Titan* • Terzan-2 CoalitionVaspid EmpireVezcian HegemonyYatan-Theian Accord
Accord Member States Commonwealth of Independent SystemsNarakamian ConfederationTechnate of AltairTheian FederationYatan Commonwealth
Extragalactic Nations Onaxian State
Extradimensional Nations WIP
Former Nations
Former Yatan Nations AbardAhaggarAlabamaAlbaniaAlhayatAlinyaAlmadinaAnakistanAnti-Empire RepublicApothilene DemocracyArgentina (Until 388)AsgorthAsian Soviet Socialist UnionAsophaniaAïrBaltic Free StateBaltic GovernorateBaltic RepublicCarbonCaspian GovernorateCaucasian LeagueCelticThe ConfederacyCotunauiniaCrimean GovernorateImperial Domain of CyprusDenasolaEast YetiaEastern Yetai EmpireEllariaFinlandFinland (Empire Wars)HongerswakHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial HordeIrelandIslandiaItalyItaly (Pre-Luxuria)IzumoKalevalaKronarKurdufan GovernorateLustlandLuvuriaLuxuriaMaghrebMakebiaManzheboyiMylonagradNakmaiNay'BlingNeo-Yetai StateNew Luxurian EmpireNopedroNunlandOmniaPoavakPolandRed ArmyRed CityRossiyaRuthenian ConfederacySaipulusiSarpistanSazziScandimarScotlandSekljuyanSiberiaSipedroLabour Collective of SizhouRepublic of Sizzle (Beijing Government)South SizzleSpisosSvalbardTarqalan EmpireThe Holy LandTripoliKingdom of TritoniaTritonian ConfederacyTurkestanTurkeyUgandaUnited Nations of YataUnited Arab RepublicVolzhskiy TriumvirateWaclawPeople's Republic of WaclawWalesWanaoishiWestern Yetai EmpireYamaliaYetai EmpireDuchy of YetiaOrder State of YetiaRepublican YetiaFirst Yetian EmpireYetian People's Union • •Socialist Union of YetiaYetian BritanniaYetian Omnia
Former Theian Nations

AlsavaeidAnarchist ChatouBinglandBingustanBongustanDazhyynDulocFlop CongFloppa CityFlopskadiGensokyoGheylaOsaniaSenkaiSogga IslandSumeraSwagoniaEmpire of SwagoniaTheian Republic
Former Corestian Nations WIP
Former Skantoan Nations WIP
Former Extrasolar Nations AARS TerritoryFoarhinneaImperial SarconiaKaieuhth-Urhn EmpireKingdom of YataLuxurian Space EmpireNebularian HegemonyOrder of GanymedeSirrenic AeroliaSolar NationSolaryan ClansSubaquiaTheldic AuthorityVorxan HivesWei'vir Realm
Former Extragalactic Nations


NOTE: Theian, Skantoan and some other nations within the Yata System are excluded due to them functioning the same as human nations in most practical terms.

Flag/Symbol Name Species Government Type Relation to Humanity Notes Status
Aliens Aliens (Species) Communist Aliens were originally hostile to humans due to kidnapped aliens. However after it being discovered that Peppa Pig, Leadr of luxuria and Half Space Giraffe was responsible for the kidnappings they became Humanity's allies. They however havent made much communication with humanity in recent years It is likely a multi-planetary nation. Extant
Beacons (Nation) Beacons Monarchy They are a smaller power which is allied with the Republican Blarg against the Kingdom Blargs. Extant
Bejrik Order Bejrik Utopian Socialism They are allied with most human nations and are friendly with eachother It was founded out of a lost Bejrik ship escaping the Theian Cataclysm which ended up on Yata. When Doluro arrived in the Yata system the Bejriks moved there and re-established the Bejrik order. Extant
Bejrik Remnants Bejrik Stratocracy They are remnants of the original Bejrik civilisation from before the cataclysm, who only survive on small former colony worlds in the outskirts of the galaxy. Struggling/In a state of decline
Blarg Kingdom Blargs Monarchy They were once a dominant poer until they collapsed into a civil war against the Republican Blargs. Extant, In a civil war.
Blarg Republic Blargs Democratic Blargs once invaded humanity to gain more resources. They were eventually stopped from attacking by signing a deal in which they were allowed to use some of Earth's resources of necessary. The Blarg Republic controls most of former territory ruled by the Blargs. They are fairly influential regionally with advanced space technology. Extant, In a civil war.
Deadling Homeworld Deadlings Unknown Invaded humanity in aid of Red Leader, this caused the creation of Dead Yata after Yata was thrown into another reality. It was an civilisation in anothe rdimension. Red Leader subjugated them as his personal army. Unknown. Fallen to Void-Energy Corruption
Echqatja Echetchens Assisted humanity against Red Leader Echqatja is a ally of Mars located in the core regions. Extant
Empire of the Twelve Suns Unknown Ultramilitarism There has never been any contact between Humanity and the Twelve Suns. The Twelve Suns is an expansionist civilisation existing within the Terzan-2 Globular Cluster. It is at war with the Terzan-2 Coalition Extant
Foarhinnea Space Giraffes Feudalism Humanity and Space Giraffes have a negative relationship. In the years 69, 100, 200 Humanity was attacked by Space Giraffes or Half-Space Girrafes. Many however have asssimilated into human society and people with roots from them mature much quicker however live longer and dont grow old. The Space Giraffes were a massive empire with superpower status however after an attack by the Kings a majority of the empire has fallen apart with only a few remnant remaining. A large population is in exile in human inhabited worlds due to this confrontation though Mostly destroyed, with only some small remnants.
Goo Kingdom Goos Absolute Monarchy Goos once invaded Yata to live on it.They didnt initially realise that humans were sentient. Once they did they left. Goos were persumibally a fairly large power on the galactic stage however since then the kingdom is persumibally destroyed with little to no survivors after the Kings decision to exterminate any synthetic species they made. Extinct, Destroyed by the Kings.
Greater Empyrium Humanity has never contacted Greater Empyrium. Outer reaches of the Empirum civilisation Extant
Hunyans Hunyans Peppa Pig, during his era of galactic exile pissed off the Hunyans and made them vow to destroy humanity, they did not do this however. Unknown Extant
Kaieuhth-Urhn Empire Kaieuthan Theocracy None known of, they did previously control Yata but humanity did not exist yet. The Kaieuhth-Urhn Empire existed millions of years ago, and attempted to colonise Yata. Extinct, the entirety of their species has died out. Kaieuhth-Urhn Empire
Kings (Nation) Kings Unknown Kings do not have any kind of relation with humanity. One briefly visited Yata known as B-2 However this was in the remains of Spisos to kill Lucius, king of the Space Giraffes. Kings are likely a very dominant and possible extra-galactic. They have advanced technology and have created many highly advanced species synthetically. Not much about them hass been stated in lore however. Extant
Khae'ja Khejvans Assisted humanity against Red Leader Khae'ja is a ally of Mars located in the core regions. Extant
Lesser Empyrium Humanity has never contacted Lesser Empyrium. Core regions of the Empyrium civilisation Extant
Martian Empire Martians Elective Monarchy Humanity and Mars were originally hostile due to Mars affiliating with the Yatan Empire however this was solved and both of them became loose allies. Mars eventually offered Humanity a deal of becoming it protectorate in favour of them asisting Mars if they needed it and Mars would assist Humans if they were attacked by a extraterrestrial force. Polsk's recent activies however strained this relationship Mars was a fairly large nation which either has direct control or vassalhood over most of the area up to 50 light years from the sun. The Martian Empire was completely annihalated by the Qu Empire. And most if not all remnants of their past on their colonies and home planet have been destroyed. Extinct, Mars was destroyed by The Qu
Protoss Protoss Protoss was allied with Polsk in the mid 200s. Protoss is a decently large civilisation, occupying much of the Inner Rim. Extant
Qhal Zol Zolians Assisted humanity against Red Leader Qhal Zol is a ally of Mars located in the core regions. Extant
Qu Empire Qu Scientocracy Was at war with Humanity unnoficially for a while, and basically annihalated their capability to explore space beyond the solar system for a undetermined ammount of time. The Qu are a nomadic horde, which travel around the universe in pyramid-shaped and simmilar ships with hyperadvanced technology roughly 1 billion years ahead of Human tech. Extant, Nomadic
Pluto Plutoans Elective Monarchy Humanity and Pluto have very bad relations, because Mars enlisted human legions to conquer some of Pluto's colonies. Pluto is a small ish nation, only controlling some dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt. They were persumibally caught in the crossfire of the Mars-Qu Conflict and were forced to hide for a while, and have recently re-emerged. Extant
Sedna Sednans Consular Republic Humanity and Sedna have very bad relations, because Mars enlisted human legions to conquer some of Pluto's colonies, this was bad because Sedna and Pluto are allies. Sedna is simmilar to Pluto just in a smaller scale, being even further out in the Solar System. They were persumibally caught in the crossfire of the Mars-Qu Conflict and had to hide for a while, they have recently re-emerged Extant / In a state of decline
Seperatist Empyrium Humanity has never contacted Seperatist Empyrium. A section of space that the Empyrium civilisation has lost control over. Extant
Terzan-2 Coalition Various Species Stratocratic Theocracy Humanity and Terzan-2 have never contacted eachother. The Terzan-2 Coalition was formed to oppose the Empire of Twelve Suns' expansion across the Terzan-2 Globular Cluster. Extant
The Altair Altairans Scientocracy Humanity (Asophania) has made contact with them before. The Altair have a fairly small spacefaring civilisation, controlling their nearby systems. Extant
Uganda Ugandan Knuckles Absolute Monarchy Humanity and Uganda have a shaky relationship. Uganda has positive ish views of humanity due to it allowing them to settle on Uganda, Yata and the Ugandan Knuckles Queen being friends with some world leaders and formerly being married to a human. Some issues have occured with some small-scale battles between the two groups Uganda is supposedly one of if not the strongest alien civilisation. They are the dominant power in the galaxy now with the capability of instantly destroying planets. Extant
Water Bottle Empire Water Bottle Dictatorship Water Bottles and Humanity have little to no interaction with humans. A ship of theirs contianen a single Water Bottle once crashed in Luxuria. Water Bottles supposedly have somekind of contact with the nation of Mei'ra for unknown reasons, which led to them assisting Humanity against the Iujado. Water Bottles are a regional power in the galaxy locate din the outer areas of the galaxy. Extant
Xan Khervi Assisted humanity against Red Leader Xan is a ally of Mars located in the core regions. Extant