HAWK: Difference between revisions

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(Reworked style to work better with the new overall wiki style. Rewrote and added more text.)
(tweaked and filled out tables. added background to unit segements)
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<h2 style="color:inherit">Constructs</h2>
<h2 style="color:inherit">Constructs</h2>
Over the course of its existence HAWK has assumed control of and created a few structures and structure like systems. Most of them however are in uncharted space and therefore unknown by the vast majority of the galaxy with only a few hints peeking through the emplaced sensor distortion screens and natural chaotic nature of surrounding systems.
Over the course of its existence HAWK has assumed control of and created a few structures and structure like systems. Most of them however are in uncharted space and therefore unknown by the vast majority of the galaxy with only a few hints peeking through the emplaced sensor distortion screens and natural chaotic nature of surrounding systems.
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable sortable article-table"
{| class="wikitable sortable article-table" div style="background: #00000066; color:inherit"
|+List of known or deducted constructions
|+List of known or deducted constructions
!Official Name
!<span style="color: black">Official Designation
!<span style="color: black">Aliases
!<span style="color: black">Location
!<span style="color: black">Type
!<span style="color: black">Purpose
!Control NODE
!<span style="color: black">Control NODE
|The Core  
|HAWK Core
|The Core
|"Sys-042" system
|"Sys-042" system
|Matryoshka Brain (a giant computer enveloping a star, in this case a red dwarf, feeding of its energy)
|Matryoshka Brain (a giant computer enveloping a star, in this case a red dwarf, feeding of its energy)
Line 101: Line 101:
|Containment System 1
|Containment System 1
|"Hidden Cradle" (by [[Hybrid Enclave]])
|"Containment" system; Inside the Kaithan Nebula
|"Containment" system; Inside the Kaithan Nebula
|Black hole system filled with many asteroid based research stations.
|Black hole system filled with many asteroid based research stations.
Line 128: Line 128:

<h3 style="color:inherit">Extraplanetary Units</h3>
<h3 style="color:inherit">Extraplanetary Units</h3>
Extraplanetary (space) units are configured for the operation outside of atmospheric conditions. They can range from warships capable of interstellar travel to simple drones that perform construction or maintenance operations on HAWK's space-bound structures.
Extraplanetary (space) units are configured for the operation outside of atmospheric conditions. They can range from warships capable of interstellar travel to simple drones that perform construction or maintenance operations on HAWK's space-bound structures.
<h4 style="color:inherit">HAWK craft</h4>
<h4 style="color:inherit">HAWK craft</h4>
<div style="background: #00000066; border: 3px solid; border-image: radial-gradient(#00000000 80%, black) 1; padding: 0.5em">
For many of its interstellar operations, HAWK usually employs a series of pointed, oval shaped, deep-black coloured vessels referred to as HAWK-craft which come in a number of sizes with a length to radius ratio of 10:3 (example length 1km, width + height 300m)
For many of its interstellar operations, HAWK usually employs a series of pointed, oval shaped, deep-black coloured vessels referred to as HAWK-craft which come in a number of sizes with a length to radius ratio of 10:3 (example length 1km, width + height 300m)
{| class="wikitable sortable article-table"
{| class="wikitable sortable article-table" div style="background: #00000066; color:inherit"
|+HAWK Craft Types
|+HAWK Craft Types
!<span style="color: black">Type
!<span style="color: black">Length
! Outer Shell segments
!<span style="color: black">Outer Shell segments
!<span style="color: black">Function
|10 m
| -
|Sabotage, infiltration and scouting probe
|Sabotage, infiltration and scouting probe
|300 m
| -
|Reconnaissance, observation and scouting.
|Reconnaissance, observation and scouting.
|1000 m
|Multi-purpose vessel. Nanite Swarm carrier.
|Multi-purpose vessel. Nanite Swarm carrier.
|3333 m
|Purpose built combat vessel. Star matter based weapon system.
|Purpose built combat vessel. Star matter based weapon system.
|11000 m
| 4
|Purpose built combat vessel. Gravity sinkhole weapon platform.
|Purpose built combat vessel. Gravity sinkhole weapon platform.
|-|Type 0=
|-|Type 0=
Type 0 HAWK craft are the smallest type fitting this classification.
Type 0 HAWK craft are the smallest type fitting this classification.
Being probably closer to a probe than an actual ship their main purpose is mainly to serve as extremely stealthy scouts and/or the conduction of infiltration missions.
Being probably closer to a probe than an actual ship their main purpose is mainly to serve as stealth scouts and/or the conduction of infiltration missions.

|-|Type 1=
|-|Type 1=
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Consequently they are packed to the brim with sophisticated sensor equipment to measure and conduct observation, survey, and reconnaissance missions.
Consequently they are packed to the brim with sophisticated sensor equipment to measure and conduct observation, survey, and reconnaissance missions.
|-|Type 2=
|-|Type 2=
Type 2 HAWK craft are probably the most commonly produced and employed design in HAWKs arsenal.
Type 2 HAWK craft are the most commonly produced and employed design in HAWKs arsenal.
Their use is that of an all-purpose workhorse with their size being just right to both serve as scouts and capable combat vessels. Other than that, their separation into a inner core and a surrounding shell also allows them to easily carry and deploy nanite swarms without having to expose the internal components directly. Other than their nanite clouds they are by standard also equipped with phased array lasers in their shell that can both serve as a point-defense measures and capable offensive weapons.
|-|Type 3=
|-|Type 3=
Type 3 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships.  
Type 3 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships.  
Their main armament consists of a strong magnetic system that allows them to gather, store, and later utilize star matter.
Their main armament utilizes magnetic forcefields created between their core and shell parts to accelerate matter down the spinal axis of the ship.

|-|Type 4=
|-|Type 4=
Type 4 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships.  
Type 4 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships.  
Their main weapon system revolves around the manipulation of gravity.
Their main weapon system revolves around the manipulation of gravity, projecting points of great gravitational forces to both catch ships and break them apart.
Type 4 HAWK craft are commonly only deployed in response to an adversary having ships outclassing type 3 Craft by several orders of magnitude, or when HAWK concludes that it is dealing with a technological equal or superior opponent. Other than their offensive role, these warships usually guard important locations and installation.

<code>Error reading data.</code>
<code>Error reading data.</code>

<h3 style="color:inherit">Planetary Units</h3>
<h3 style="color:inherit">Planetary Units</h3>
Planetary units are adapted for the operation in gravity fields and atmospheric conditions and are usually specialised on a per-planet basis.
Planetary units are adapted for the operation in gravity fields and atmospheric conditions and are usually specialised on a per-planet basis.
<div style="background: #00000066; border: 3px solid; border-image: radial-gradient(#00000000 80%, black) 1; padding: 0.5em">
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(none known)
(none known)
<h3 style="color:inherit">Specialised Units</h3>
<h3 style="color:inherit">Specialised Units</h3>
Specialised units are the rarest types in HAWK's arsenal. They are usually created in response to a difficult task and not many of each type are created.
Specialised units are the rarest types in HAWK's arsenal. They are usually created in response to a difficult task and not many of each type are created.
<div style="background: #00000066; border: 3px solid; border-image: radial-gradient(#00000000 80%, black) 1; padding: 0.5em">
|-|Halo Craft=
|-|Halo Craft=
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<code>Error reading data.</code>
<code>Error reading data.</code>
<h2 style="color:inherit">Directives</h2>
<h2 style="color:inherit">Directives</h2>
HAWK and the HAWK network operate at their core on a set of "Directives". Where these Directives originate from is thus far uncertain. Experimentations revealed that the creation of new directives, while possible, requires the unanimous approval of all NODE's and is therefor difficult to achieve. The deletion of a directive follows the same process but is generally not feasible due to the <H> NODE's default forwarded answer to such a query being disapproving.
HAWK and the HAWK network operate at their core on a set of "Directives". Where these Directives originate from is thus far uncertain. Experimentations revealed that the creation of new directives, while possible, requires the unanimous approval of all NODE's and is therefor difficult to achieve. The deletion of a directive follows the same process but is generally not feasible due to the <H> NODE's default forwarded answer to such a query being disapproving.

Revision as of 14:54, 11 September 2024

Source info: provider("eternal_archive")

Governmental Information
Common Name(see aliases)
Official NameHAWK
Organization TypeArtificial Intelligence
Head of StateHAWK Core
Societal Information
Capital WorldSys-042
Official LanguageArcane data protocol
Military Size(Fluctuating)
Spacefleet Size(Fluctuating)
RimDeep Core (Primarily)
GalaxyMilky Way, Dagda Galaxy
Historical Information
Created byBluestone.Bot
Controlled byBluestone.Bot

HAWK is an Artificial Intelligence with unfathomable processing power. Its main installations lie deep in the Milky Way Galaxy's core systems. HAWK uses the chaotic nature of the core to mask its operations. This in addition to its high capabilities in stealth technology are the reason for how it has remained undetected by the majority of the galactic civilisations.


HAWK's real name is not that commonly known, mostly only by those that contact it directly. Therefor it has become known amongst those that have seen maybe just a glimmer of one of its units under a variety of names. Those being:
> "The Metal Mind" (by Order of the Metal Mind)
> "The Iron God" (by Brotherhood of the Iron God)
> "The Black Curse" (by Trigals as well as various other smaller nations which might have witnessed a Type 2 HAWK ship obliterating smth)
> "Big daddy" (stated by an Trigal Officer)
> "Our Hidden Brother" (by Kaiton Hegemony)
> "SDS-036" (by SDS Foundation)
> "Atypical-Documented-Society-1001" (by Imperium of Kings)
> (insert further aliases of what your nations call it)

Underlying institutions

Over its time HAWK has established institutions in other species to make it easier for itself to gain data about them but also to spread its influence. Although rarer in cases, it also uses them from time to time to wage proxy warfare or as means of not sending its own very advanced units into the field. Those institutions include:
> The Order of the Metal Mind
> The Brotherhood of the Iron God
> The Hybrid Enclave
> (further unknown)

Historical details

(older documentation not uncovered yet)

Known connected events


Ranked by complexity and processing capabilities, HAWK is one of the most if not the most advanced artificial intelligences in the entire milky way galaxy.


HAWK's research operations, overseen by the <C> NODE, are dealing with the understanding of a variety of fields.


HAWK's communication and data transmission protocol is simple, yet at the same time highly complicated. Its exact operations seem to have developed in a process akin to the natural development of other documented languages, supporting the theory that it is an entirely self-created system of communication. If there ever was a set of instructions devised by some external force, it has long since deviated from them to a point where it would now be unrecognisable from its original state.

|> Quantum Entanglement Transmitters

HAWK's main method of communication is through a network of quantum entanglement transmitters (QT-devices). More specifically it uses special and highly advanced self-stabilizing transmitters to negate the quantum stabilisation fields normally required to maintain a stable connection with such devices over long distances. This has made it possibel for HAWK to coordinate Galactic wide operations in real-time.
Since a quantum transmitter can only sustain a connection between two points, all Transmitters have a free end which can be used by units with the other end sitting in a gigantic relay centre inside the Core. There all communications are managed and relayed to the required other transmitter units. It is also not uncommon for even small HAWK units to have more than 3 quantum entanglement transmitters as they are about the size of computer chips.

|> BlackLink Network

A bit differently is it with the BlackLink network. While it is also based on the same technology, BlackLink devices come packaged together with additional processors and sensors as well as only 2 transmitters packaged in black, 1 cubic decimetres big boxes. They are devices given out to Institutions instated by HAWK (like OMM) to give them a method of communication as well as binding them to HAWK. Consequently these added components serve a protective purpose to make sure the cubes don't fall in the wrong hands. Furthermore as they run over almost the same network as HAWK's base com network they have an artificial delay on their communications which is used for checking the contents of the sent messages. Lastly, Blank Link cubes can also fully independently of any other tech work as a sort of radio or, having inbuilt speakers and microphones as well as cameras and projectors.




Over the course of its existence HAWK has assumed control of and created a few structures and structure like systems. Most of them however are in uncharted space and therefore unknown by the vast majority of the galaxy with only a few hints peeking through the emplaced sensor distortion screens and natural chaotic nature of surrounding systems.

List of known or deducted constructions
Official Designation Aliases Location Type Purpose Control NODE
HAWK Core The Core "Sys-042" system Matryoshka Brain (a giant computer enveloping a star, in this case a red dwarf, feeding of its energy) Central processing Installation for HAWK. Main Node of the Quantum transmission and BlackLink network. <H>
Containment System 1 "Hidden Cradle" (by Hybrid Enclave) "Containment" system; Inside the Kaithan Nebula Black hole system filled with many asteroid based research stations. Containment of sensitive/dangerous objects under study. <C>
Sentry Installation 3 "Sentry" system Gamma Ray stimulation and redirection device. (Big gamma ray gun in orbit around a Pulsar) Protection and deterrence against hostile forces. <E>
Archeo Installation 2 Installation 00, The Ark "Installation 00" system Halo system maintenance and control station. Assembly of specialised units. Control superiority of the Halo system. <A>


HAWK is mainly a space based AI. Consequently its largest presence is established by space ships and extraplanetary installations. Among more conventional vessels and drones, HAWK also utilizes Nanite Swarms for its construction efforts and combat tactics.

Other its own units, HAWK is also known for implementing hijacked or replicated robots created by others to complement its arsenal, especially in the area of ground combat. Herefor it often makes use of a civilisation own units and tactics which are naturally adapted to their respective environment, complementing them with its own technology.

Extraplanetary Units

Extraplanetary (space) units are configured for the operation outside of atmospheric conditions. They can range from warships capable of interstellar travel to simple drones that perform construction or maintenance operations on HAWK's space-bound structures.

HAWK craft

For many of its interstellar operations, HAWK usually employs a series of pointed, oval shaped, deep-black coloured vessels referred to as HAWK-craft which come in a number of sizes with a length to radius ratio of 10:3 (example length 1km, width + height 300m)

HAWK Craft Types
Type Length Outer Shell segments Function
0 10 m - Sabotage, infiltration and scouting probe
1 300 m - Reconnaissance, observation and scouting.
2 1000 m 2 Multi-purpose vessel. Nanite Swarm carrier.
3 3333 m 4 Purpose built combat vessel. Star matter based weapon system.
4 11000 m 4 Purpose built combat vessel. Gravity sinkhole weapon platform.

Type 0 HAWK craft are the smallest type fitting this classification. Being probably closer to a probe than an actual ship their main purpose is mainly to serve as stealth scouts and/or the conduction of infiltration missions.

Type 1 HAWK craft are one of the more numerous designs that roam the galaxy.

While they are bigger than their preceding type 0 counterpart, they mostly fall into the same catalogue of operations, serving as the eyes and ears of HAWK in the galaxy.

Consequently they are packed to the brim with sophisticated sensor equipment to measure and conduct observation, survey, and reconnaissance missions.

Type 2 HAWK craft are the most commonly produced and employed design in HAWKs arsenal. Their use is that of an all-purpose workhorse with their size being just right to both serve as scouts and capable combat vessels. Other than that, their separation into a inner core and a surrounding shell also allows them to easily carry and deploy nanite swarms without having to expose the internal components directly. Other than their nanite clouds they are by standard also equipped with phased array lasers in their shell that can both serve as a point-defense measures and capable offensive weapons.

Type 3 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships. Their main armament utilizes magnetic forcefields created between their core and shell parts to accelerate matter down the spinal axis of the ship.

Type 4 HAWK craft are purpose built combat ships.

Their main weapon system revolves around the manipulation of gravity, projecting points of great gravitational forces to both catch ships and break them apart.

Type 4 HAWK craft are commonly only deployed in response to an adversary having ships outclassing type 3 Craft by several orders of magnitude, or when HAWK concludes that it is dealing with a technological equal or superior opponent. Other than their offensive role, these warships usually guard important locations and installation.

Error reading data.

Planetary Units

Planetary units are adapted for the operation in gravity fields and atmospheric conditions and are usually specialised on a per-planet basis.


(none known)

(none known)

(none known)

Specialised Units

Specialised units are the rarest types in HAWK's arsenal. They are usually created in response to a difficult task and not many of each type are created.

Halo Craft are ginormous space vessels that were put in service in response to the Qu invasion of [---]. The only place they can be created from, due to their unique weapon system, is Archeo installation 2. They follow the same oval shape found in almost all other HAWK craft albeit being a bit shorter in relation to the usual ratio. Another oddity is the large hole that runs through the entire length of the vessels, giving them a more tubular appearance.

This opening is required due to the integration of a Precursor Halo weapon system. As a result of this, Halo Craft are one of the most dangerous vessels a biological civilisation could come across. The way these craft use their Halo system is similar to the normal Halo installations as they can create range controlled burst which neutralise any organic matter in their radius. Alternatively they can also condense the dispersal into a concentrated beam to more accurately strike specific targets.

Initially 5 Halo craft were created via Archeo Installation 2 to combat the Qu forces.

Error reading data.


HAWK and the HAWK network operate at their core on a set of "Directives". Where these Directives originate from is thus far uncertain. Experimentations revealed that the creation of new directives, while possible, requires the unanimous approval of all NODE's and is therefor difficult to achieve. The deletion of a directive follows the same process but is generally not feasible due to the <H> NODE's default forwarded answer to such a query being disapproving.

The current sum of directives and their exact functions are uncertain as they are encoded on a sub-program level and are therefor always directing and correcting process operations. From what has been observed it can be deducted that the gathering of knowledge and information must definitely be a part of the instructions. Furthermore the lack of direct interference with galactic affairs hints at a more observation-focused set of parameters.

An additional observation showed that during the Qu invasion of 333, although not directly aiding in the battles of other civilisations, HAWK showed great interest in combating the Invaders. If this was just out of long-term thinking in self-preservation or also a definitive directive related to the protection of other civilisations is still uncertain. Regardless it shows that a protective set of instructions must also be present.

Furthermore, the establishment of troops and bases in the Dagda and Ra satellite galaxies, as well as the eradication of Qu forces in the Ra galaxy, where sanctioned under the so called "Preserve" directive. This directive, first completed by driving Galactic federation forces out of the Dagda galaxy, seems to be related to the Further studies of its exact protocol implications are still ongoing.

Graphical Lists
Main Nation Lists YataTheiaSkantosExtrasolar Nations
Other Nation Lists NarakamExtradimensional NationsFormer NationsAccord Member StatesGroups List* • Kanashi ClansYomtach Clans
Archived Lists Alien NationsOther Nations
Terrestrial Nations
Yata AghambAlicorn Kingdom (North Alicorn KingdomSouth Alicorn Kingdom) • AnexkhlaschlamegaCharalandCreepylandCyprusHostage BoxKalmykiaKangaroo IslandKorumaLuvamatriliaNotiaPetoriaPravdaSamsungVilikyWinelandYatan CommonwealthYenteviaYyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiyaZina
Theia AdytiumAndroidiaCatjamCoconut KingdomFeur IslandKarina DynastyLahdiaMichigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'MichiganMissisippiPasagrePolskRebeccaSandlandTheia Free Economic AssociationTheian FederationTieksaYakamotomotoZina
Skantos PhillealandPraxtus
Narakam CreepylandZina
Kanashi Corvus Khristus
Space Nations
Extrasolar Nations Abyssal EnclaveArrian AuthorityBlarg RepublicCorporate Management CommissionElder OverseersEmpire of the Twelve SunsEmpyriumForsaken CommunityGalactic FederationHAWKHigh Priest's FiefdomImperium of KingsIujado Realm of Titan* • Terzan-2 CoalitionVaspid EmpireVezcian HegemonyYatan-Theian Accord
Accord Member States Commonwealth of Independent SystemsNarakamian ConfederationTechnate of AltairTheian FederationYatan Commonwealth
Extragalactic Nations Onaxian State
Extradimensional Nations WIP
Former Nations
Former Yatan Nations AbardAhaggarAlabamaAlbaniaAlhayatAlinyaAlmadinaAnakistanAnti-Empire RepublicApothilene DemocracyArgentina (Until 388)AsgorthAsian Soviet Socialist UnionAsophaniaAïrBaltic Free StateBaltic GovernorateBaltic RepublicCarbonCaspian GovernorateCaucasian LeagueCelticThe ConfederacyCotunauiniaCrimean GovernorateImperial Domain of CyprusDenasolaEast YetiaEastern Yetai EmpireEllariaFinlandFinland (Empire Wars)HongerswakHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial HordeIrelandIslandiaItalyItaly (Pre-Luxuria)IzumoKalevalaKronarKurdufan GovernorateLustlandLuvuriaLuxuriaMaghrebMakebiaManzheboyiMylonagradNakmaiNay'BlingNeo-Yetai StateNew Luxurian EmpireNopedroNunlandOmniaPoavakPolandRed ArmyRed CityRossiyaRuthenian ConfederacySaipulusiSarpistanSazziScandimarScotlandSekljuyanSiberiaSipedroLabour Collective of SizhouRepublic of Sizzle (Beijing Government)South SizzleSpisosSvalbardTarqalan EmpireThe Holy LandTripoliKingdom of TritoniaTritonian ConfederacyTurkestanTurkeyUgandaUnited Nations of YataUnited Arab RepublicVolzhskiy TriumvirateWaclawPeople's Republic of WaclawWalesWanaoishiWestern Yetai EmpireYamaliaYetai EmpireDuchy of YetiaOrder State of YetiaRepublican YetiaFirst Yetian EmpireYetian People's Union • •Socialist Union of YetiaYetian BritanniaYetian Omnia
Former Theian Nations

AlsavaeidAnarchist ChatouBinglandBingustanBongustanDazhyynDulocFlop CongFloppa CityFlopskadiGensokyoGheylaOsaniaSenkaiSogga IslandSumeraSwagoniaEmpire of SwagoniaTheian Republic
Former Corestian Nations WIP
Former Skantoan Nations WIP
Former Extrasolar Nations AARS TerritoryFoarhinneaImperial SarconiaKaieuhth-Urhn EmpireKingdom of YataLuxurian Space EmpireNebularian HegemonyOrder of GanymedeSirrenic AeroliaSolar NationSolaryan ClansSubaquiaTheldic AuthorityVorxan HivesWei'vir Realm
Former Extragalactic Nations