Yatan Commonwealth

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Yatan Commonwealth of Labour
General Info
Official NameYatan Commonwealth of Labour
Common Name
  • Yatan Commonwealth
  • Yata
  • The Commonwealth
Anthem"The Internationale"
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Socialist Council Republic
IdeologyReformist Marxism
Head of StateExecutive Chairman Yemane Selassie Roni
Head of Government
  • Supreme Councils (Bicameral)
    • Council of Peoples
    • Council of Nations
Ruling PartyYatan People's Labour Party - Centre-Yatan People's Labour Party - Left-Party of Revolutionary Communists Coalition
Official Language(s)
  • N/A
  • Russian (De Facto, Used in Government)
State ReligionSecular
CurrencyYatan Gaias
SpeciesMajority Human, though it additionally includes various others.
Ethnic Groups(Various)
Major Languages(Various)
Minority Languages(Various)
Major Religions
Spacefleet890 Spacecrafts
Nuclear Arsenal~3500 Nuclear Weapons
Other Assets
  • Laser Tower Array
    • Immolation Array
    • Regeneration Array
    • Targeted Destruction Array
Historical Info
Preceded by(See Page)
Created by
Controlled by

The Yatan Commonwealth of Labour, usually simply referred to as the Yatan Commonwealth even in official settings, is a sovereign federal parliamentary republic under a socialist government composed of countless autonomous constituent Republics and regional Cooperatives situated across the continent of Eurasia. The Commonwealth was first established in 441 among republics derived from its 8 founding nation-states of Kalevala, Jugoslavija, Scandinavia, Shqiperia, Tanume, Tritonia, Yakamoto, and Yetia following their unification under Yetia's ideals of a unified egalitarian Yata based around equitable socialist values that would be capable of developing in a manner corruption or oppression unlike the situation The Confederacy (a previous planetary government) found itself in that lead to its collapse in 397, hoping to avoid such a catastrophe once more while still benefitting from a unified world.

Following its establishment in 441 in the Mylonagrad Treaty of Commonwealth signed by its founding states, the Yatan Commonwealth was quick to begin asserting itself on the global stage after forming its first government, successfully swaying the members of the Initiative for Peace and Democracy into committing towards future membership in the Commonwealth and beginning the gradual integration of each of them as Lineland, Vedagyar, Kipchakistan, Ozbekiston, Turkmenistan, Apothelis, Sizhou, Zapadoslavia, Alduria, Kurdistan, Azeria, Khuree, Uyghurstan, England, Utsong, Nilastan, Yangoon, Iceland, Poavak, Abard and Itaquia all one by one joined the Commonwealth in the first few years following its establishment, concluding with the admission of Itaquia in 447. During this process several other nations beyond the IPD such as Idel-Ural and Calatay also joined the commonwealth due to mainly economic reasons. In 442 the Yatan Commonwealth engaged in its first major interplanetary diplomacy, attending a significant conference between themselves, the Theian Federation, and the Commonwealth of Independent Systems. In the Commonwealth's second elections following the integration of the IPD members in 447 a new more moderate government headed by the Yatan People's Labour Party - Right was formed under Executive Chairwoman Zohreh Soleymani, People's Chairman Robin Weisman, and National Chairwoman Ismene Tanamal. Thanks to this more moderate government, the Yatan Commonwealth managed to sway the more right-leaning members of the Cairo Cooperation Pact into committing towards joining the Commonwealth after both sides made a series of concessions largely regarding economic policy. Thanks to this agreement, which was known as the Baghdad Conference, the nations of Arabia, Bornuvia, Erbuja, Goldaria, Brasil, and Guarania all integrated into the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth then set after integrating the various non-aligned right-leaning regimes, holding the Yerevan Agreement that lead to the Caucasian League's integration and the Alkatse Conference that lead to the integration of Ellaria, Libakria, and Fangabon. The Commonwealth then held the Cardiff Agreement that lead to the integration of Wales and Alice Springs Conference that lead to the integration of Cotunauinia-Luvuria, Luxuria, Melanesia, and Floria. The second elections were held in the first part of 452, leading to the election of Executive-Chairman Yemane Selassie Roni and National-Chairman Nkróma Opuni of the Yatan People's Labour Party - Left alongside People's-Chairman Chanda Bajpai of the Party of Revolutionary Communists. Hoping to gain similar successes to the previous government, the Commonwealth held the Hanoi Conference that lead to the integration of Minguk and Nakmai, the Emiro Agreement that lead to the integration of Yorica, the Salvador Conference that lead to the integration of Japoña and Argentina, the Umoja Conference that lead to the integration of Tshad, Ubangia, Azania, Ityoppya, and the East African Federation, the Dublin Agreement that lead to the integration of Ireland, the Fietrar Agreement that led to the integration of Sipedro, the Moja Agreement that led to the integration of Wanaoishi, the Manila Agreement that led to the integration of Filipinas, a revolution in Sudan that led to its integration, the North City Agreement that led to the integration of Alyphia, the Rapa Nui Agreement that led to the integration of Islandia, a revolution in Malagasia that led to its integration, the Hovedstad Agreement that led to the integration of the Red Army, the Edinburgh Agreement that led to the integration of Scotland, a targeted pressuring campaign that lead to the integration of Yamalia, the Chalonaja Agreement that led to the integration of Denasola and Asophania, the Auckland Agreement that led to the integration of Aotearoa, the Nay'Bling City Agreement that led to the integration of Nay'Bling (After the YPLP-R and YPLP-C condemned the YPLP-L & PRC government for their more aggressive integration methods), the Ciudad de la Lujuria Agreement that led to the integration of Lustland, the Nun City Agreement that led to the integration of Nunland, and finally the Montréal Conference which led to the integration of Catania, Celtic, Noveau Normandie, Qauria, and Spisos, finally reunifying Yata under socialism 60 years after the collapse of The Confederacy.

In its first elections following reunification, Executive-Chairman Yemane Selassie Roni of the YPLP-L and People's-Chairman Chanda Bajpai managed to win re-election, with the new National Chairwoman being Manija Fayzulloeva of the YPLP-C, forming a coalition between the three parties.

Federal Government & Politics

Executive Government


Supreme Councils


Council of Peoples


Council of Nations


Political Parties
Political Parties (From Left-most to Right-most)
Name Ideology Position Status
Party of Revolutionary Communists Leninism Far-Left Government
Union for Communal Interests Anarcho-Communism Far-Left Opposition
Yatan People's Labour Party - Left Reformist Marxism Left-Wing to Far-Left Government
Yatan People's Labour Party - Centre Democratic Socialism Left-Wing Government
Yatan People's Labour Party - Right
  • Social Democracy (Socialist Faction)
  • Social Liberalism (Liberal Faction)
Centre to Centre-Left Opposition
Neo-Confederate Solidarity Party Neoliberalism Centre-Right Fringe Opposition
National Sovereignty Party Separatism Centre-Right Fringe Opposition
Liberty and Democracy Party Libertarianism Centre-Right Opposition
Conservative Unity Party Social Conservatism Right-Wing Opposition
National Labour Front National Bolshevism Syncretic Fringe Opposition

Supreme Court of Yata


Departments and Ministries


Administrative Divisions

i havent written this part yet so basically its like a confederation of federations with like regional federations with less autonomous republics under them and then the federations are in the govt and have more autonomy and theyre caleld cooperatives not federations do u get it


Flag Name Full Title Ruling Party Capital Government Language
Anatolia-Irania Anatolian-Iranian Cooperative YPLP-R Istanbul Persian
Arab-Sahara Arab-Saharan Cooperative YPLP-L Cairo Arabic
Azania Azanian Cooperative LPLP-L Umoja Swahili
East Asia East Asian Cooperative PRC Beijing Mandarin
Guinea Guinean Cooperative CUP Abuja Yoruba
Intermarium Intermarian Cooperative YPLP-R Palladia Polish
Latinoamérica Latinoamérican Cooperative PRC Fietrar Spanish
Nakmai Nakmaian Cooperative YPLP-L Phnom Penh Vietnamese
Nilastan Nilastani Cooperative YPLP-C Mumbai Hindi
Nile-Goldaria Nilo-Goldarian Cooperative YPLP-C Galas Amharic
North America North American Cooperative YPLP-R Emiro English
Oceania Oceanian Cooperative YPLP-R Alice Springs English
Poavak Poavakian Cooperative YPLP-C Halmahera Malay
Rus Rus Cooperative YPLP-C Mylonagrad Russian
Turan Turanian Cooperative YPLP-R Tashkent Uzbek
Wanaoishi Wanaoishian Cooperative YPLP-L Moja Lingala
Yetia Yetian Cooperative YPLP-C Nuelo French

Republics of the Anatolian-Iranian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Arab-Saharan Cooperative

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Republics of the Azanian Cooperative

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Republics of the East Asian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages
Flag Name Full Title Capital City Capital World Official Languages

Republics of the Guinean Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Intermarian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Latinoamérican Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Nakmaian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Nilastani Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Nilo-Goldarian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the North American Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Oceanian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Poavakian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Rus Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages
Flag Name Full Title Capital City Capital World Official Languages

Republics of the Turanian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Wanaoishian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages

Republics of the Yetian Cooperative

Flag Name Full Title Capital Official Languages
Graphical Lists
Main Nation Lists YataTheiaSkantosExtrasolar Nations
Other Nation Lists NarakamExtradimensional NationsFormer NationsAccord Member StatesGroups List* • Kanashi ClansYomtach Clans
Archived Lists Alien NationsOther Nations
Terrestrial Nations
Yata AghambAlicorn Kingdom (North Alicorn KingdomSouth Alicorn Kingdom) • AnexkhlaschlamegaAsophaniaCelticCharalandCreepylandCyprusDenasolaHostage BoxKalmykiaKangaroo IslandKorumaLustlandLuvamatriliaNay'BlingNotiaNunlandPetoriaPravdaSamsungScotlandVilikyWinelandYamaliaYatan CommonwealthYenteviaYyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiyaZina
Theia AdytiumAndroidiaCatjamCoconut KingdomDazhyynFeur IslandGensokyoKarina DynastyLahdiaMichigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'Michigan'MichiganMissisippiPasagrePolskRebeccaSandlandSenkaiSumeraTheia Free Economic AssociationTheian FederationTieksaYakamotomotoZina
Skantos PhillealandPraxtus
Narakam CreepylandZina
Kanashi Corvus Khristus
Space Nations
Extrasolar Nations Abyssal EnclaveArrian AuthorityBlarg RepublicCorporate Management CommissionElder OverseersEmpire of the Twelve SunsEmpyriumForsaken CommunityGalactic FederationHAWKHigh Priest's FiefdomImperium of KingsIujado Realm of Titan* • Terzan-2 CoalitionVaspid EmpireVezcian HegemonyYatan-Theian Accord
Accord Member States Commonwealth of Independent SystemsNarakamian ConfederationTechnate of AltairTheian FederationUnited Nations of Yata
Extragalactic Nations Onaxian State
Extradimensional Nations WIP
Former Nations
Former Yatan Nations AbardAhaggarAlabamaAlbaniaAlhayatAlinyaAlmadinaAnakistanAnti-Empire RepublicApothilene DemocracyArgentina (Until 388)AsgorthAsian Soviet Socialist UnionAïrBaltic Free StateBaltic GovernorateBaltic RepublicCarbonCaspian GovernorateCaucasian LeagueThe ConfederacyCotunauiniaCrimean GovernorateImperial Domain of CyprusEast YetiaEastern Yetai EmpireEllariaFinlandFinland (Empire Wars)HongerswakHyacinthan Kingdom of EarthImperial HordeIrelandIslandiaItalyItaly (Pre-Luxuria)IzumoKalevalaKronarKurdufan GovernorateLuvuriaLuxuriaMaghrebMakebiaManzheboyiMylonagradNakmaiNeo-Yetai StateNew Luxurian EmpireNopedroOmniaPoavakPolandRed ArmyRed CityRossiyaRuthenian ConfederacySaipulusiSarpistanSazziScandimarSekljuyanSiberiaSipedroLabour Collective of SizhouRepublic of Sizzle (Beijing Government)South SizzleSpisosSvalbardTarqalan EmpireThe Holy LandTripoliKingdom of TritoniaTritonian ConfederacyTurkestanTurkeyUgandaUnited Arab RepublicVolzhskiy TriumvirateWaclawPeople's Republic of WaclawWalesWanaoishiWestern Yetai EmpireYetai EmpireDuchy of YetiaOrder State of YetiaRepublican YetiaFirst Yetian EmpireYetian People's Union • •Socialist Union of YetiaYetian BritanniaYetian Omnia
Former Theian Nations

AlsavaeidAnarchist ChatouBinglandBingustanBongustanDulocFlop CongFloppa CityFlopskadiGheylaOsaniaSogga IslandSwagoniaEmpire of SwagoniaTheian Republic
Former Corestian Nations WIP
Former Skantoan Nations WIP
Former Extrasolar Nations AARS TerritoryFoarhinneaImperial SarconiaKaieuhth-Urhn EmpireKingdom of YataLuxurian Space EmpireNebularian HegemonyOrder of GanymedeSirrenic AeroliaSolar NationSolaryan ClansSubaquiaTheldic AuthorityVorxan HivesWei'vir Realm
Former Extragalactic Nations