Archived/Party Hub
Avoid comming to this level at all costs, It means near certain death. This room's knowlege is still not fully known due to the immense danger of it. The Party hub is the main level of the partygoers, it has teleporters to all "fun levels" It is thought that this is how the party goers travel to their fun levels. This place is full of them so if you come here its a death wish, you will most likely be transformed . There are 4 host rooms where the "Hosts of the party" live. They are much stronger partygoers than normal and will try to kill you, However if you kill all 4 of them you will be able to escape using whatever they have hidden. The SDSB is still looking for a alternate exit so that anyone trapped in there can get out easily, So just avoid any strange hidden buttons in fun levels if you are unfortunate enough to end up in one because they will send you here.