Backrooms Transport Agency
From YATA Wiki
Backrooms Transport Agency | |
General Information | |
Aliases |
Type | Company |
Headquarters | BTA Building (Infinitopolis, Backrooms System) |
Industry |
Status | Active |
Personnel Information | |
Member Count | 80 |
Territorial Information | |
Notable Bases | |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 150 |
Alignments | |
Other | |
Created by | Hakced |
Controlled by | Hakced |
The BTA is a company operating within the Backrooms which specializes in the transport of products, resources and post, as well as assisting travelers in safely traversing the Backrooms, all for a price.
They were the first company to be established within Infinitopolis, although nowadays have influence and outposts in several liminal spaces.