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<div style="border:2px solid #94B5B7; -webkit-border-radius:10px;"><center>'''Year:''' (PREDATES YEAR SYSTEM)</center></div>
<div style="border:2px solid #94B5B7; -webkit-border-radius:10px;"><center>'''Year:''' (PREDATES YEAR SYSTEM)</center></div>

Latest revision as of 14:08, 6 December 2024


Ninth Yetian Revolution
VideoNinth Yetian Revolution
OutcomeOmnia gained more land and Yetia became an absolute monarchy.
Major Battles
  • Battle of Niederbach
  • Battle of Newtown
  • Battle of Yetia City



Because of all the wars Yetia had been in, lack of competant leadership. Increased conscription laws, Taxes, Reactionaries, "Concessions" to Omnia and other protests. The Yetian Citizens demanded that Adam II be dethroned and even executed, end of wars, removal of Eirnics, Reforms undone, lowered taxes and end to conscription. Because of all of this roughly 60% of the Yetian military rallies under their own government known as the Free Yetian Movement.

The Beginning

the Free Yetians rose up in Vandam and Vedaburg, and joined by forces from Yaverncost. In which they had some success. Shortly after this the Anti-Eirnic Rebellion started by people against the Eirnics. Primarily in rural areas south of Niederbach. Followed by this more forces defected to the Anti-Eirnic Rebels and Turkey declared independance under the Turkish Independant Army.


Kalevala sided with yetia due to the Yetian Red Army recently attacking them, meanwhile Omnia became enraged at the existance of the Anti-Eirnic Rebellion so charged and massacred many of them. Around this time the Free Army rose up, which was defecting Yetian Military Forces. The Omnian military stopped following orders and purposefully began massacring anyone alligning with the Anti-Eirnic Rebellion. The Yetian Red Army also interfered and invaded parts of northern Yetia. Omnia releases even stronger Eirnics upon the encroaching Free Yetia forces in the east.



The Turkish Independant Army, Anti-Eirnic Rebellion and Free Army united with Free Yetia and formed the Yetian Free Army to consolidate their forces. This allowed them to make significant gains against Yetian forces, despite having to now deal the brunt of the attack coming from the Yetian Red Army. Kalevala, being pushed back by the Yetian Red Army began falling into trouble leading to the secession of the Baltic Free State. Basically every Omnian unit stops following orders and begins harsh response against the rebels.


Around the same time the Baltic Free State fell to the Yetian Red Army, while the Yetian Red Army was being pushed out of Germany.


Pushing back Free Yetia

Omnia and Yetia co-oporated on joint offensives to cut Free Yetia into 2. With the Omnians and Yetians making a large push into central Yetia, causing Free Yetia to be trapped into 2 groups. At the same time Kalevala began winning against the Yetian Red Army.


The Great Offensive

Free Yetia regrouped its forces and began a massive counter attack all at once, capturing Yetia City. This lead to the government in Newtown feeling threatened to the point that the Yetian Parliament overthrew King Adam II and created the Parliamentarian Government. The Parliament de facto made a ceace fire with Free Yetia. King Adam II fleed east and formed up Monarchist loyalists in central yetia.

Free Yetia's Laws

Many laws that the new de facto government of Free Yetia did were made to please the Anti-Eirnic Rebellion, making Eirnic citizenship restricted, ending the Eirnic Factory District and removing many of their rights. This angered Omnia greatly, defecting from the Parliamentarian Government over to King Adam II's rebel forces. King Adam II's forces then captured Ortiljerjia to secure the Newtown Project. Free Yetia then began taking down remnants of the Parliamentarian Guard at the same time as King Adam II was. Causing much of Yetia City and Newtown to fall to King Adam II, this being a significant defeat for Free Yetia.


Fall of Free Yetia

King Adam II's forces alongside Kalevala, who had defeated the Yetian Red Army, However Free Yetia used a bioweapon to poison King Adam II, who fell very ill. Nadine, leader of Omnia also demanded that the agression in Eirnics must be ended immediately and investigated. Following the war Yetia granted more territory to Omnia as a thank you.

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