Kalevian War of Independence

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Kalevian War of Independence
OutcomeEast Yetia gained its independence and Sarpistan occupied Anatolia.
Major Battles
  • Battle of Riga Bridge
  • Battle of the Isthmus
  • Battle of Helsinki
  • Battle of Oulu
  • Battle of Viipuri
  • Battle of Istanbul
  • Battle of Niederbach
  • Battle of Yetia City

Declaration of Independence 1.7.2019-10.7.2019

After disagreeing with Yetia's actions against Scandimar the East yetians declared their independence and began operating autonomously from the rest of Yetia. Seeking recognition, East Yetia sent its support to the opposing side in the Sizzlean War of Succession than the rest of Yetia did. Requiring a army to defend itself from a possible war, East Yetia detained all Yetian soldiers in the area and then gave them a offer to join their army if they wanted freedom ,Which was accepted by around 3 thousand, With highly trained soldiers East Yetia was ready to start planning its defence to the upcoming invasion. First minor battles began on the 8th as Yetian ships began engaging Eastern ships in the Baltic. However, East Yetia was about to find a important ally. Red City was founded on Lake chad and aligned itself with East Yetia.

Yetian Offensive 10.7.2019-10.7.2019

Yetian naval forces suddenly landed in the ports of Vabalinn and began a push throughout East Yetia's south, soon crossing the Riga Bridges and going all the way up the Karelian isthmus. Yetian militaries push all the way to Helsinki however are managed to be halted. Red City began providing supplies to the Eastern forces, Using multiple gas attacks against Yetia. East Yetian counteroffensives in Estonia are swiftly defeated however the Karelian isthmus becomes a major battleground

Battle in the Air and Ground 10.7.2019-11.7.2019

Red City began sending direct support with multiple air strikes. Red City navy continues to sink Yetian navies attempting to make a landing on western Helsinki. Yetian forces managed to make a landing in the north and push far south however this was short lived due to a new intervention from another ally of East Yetia, Yakamoto along with their ally Asgorth.

Lineland-Scandimar war
OutcomeLineland Reclaimed Bergen
Major Battles
  • Battle of Bergen

Southern Allies 11.7.2019-12.7.2019

Sarpistan, wanting to have a coast on the levant joined the Eastern side and pushed through and captured the entirety of Turkey and eventually reached Albania.

Lineland-Scandimar war 12.7.2019

During the war, a uprising in Scandimar by Linelandic people called "Kingdom of Linelandic Bergen" Which attacked Scandimar. Lineland supported the rebellion and East Yetia

Eastern Counteroffensive 13.7.2019

Despite Yetia pushing them back again, with newfound support and supplies East Yetia managed to start pushing Yetia south again. East Yetia, Yakamoto, and Asgorth defeated Yetia in East Yetian land and naval invaded Yetian Germany, Eventually pushing all the way to Yetia City where Yetia surrendered to their enemies and East Yetia was given independence, Which eventually became Kalevala in the following few days.

Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great SleepLost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARS{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI
Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
Skantos History Ancient History
Galactic History Ancient History
Other Canon Events The Furry Wars214 Lutaria Conflict
Retconned / Uncanon Events Lineland ServerAncient History of YetiaAncient History of Lineland