World War 1
The Conspiracy
In the 4th decade things in Yetia were getting tense following the recent revolution and crackdown in Czecho-Hungaria. During these troublesome times the English People's Party was disbanded which allowed the "Yetian Imperial Party" to join the parliament. This party advocated for re-establishing the Yetian Antarctic Research Facility, shortly following this all radio stations in the area began spitting YIP propaganda.
The Day of Glory and Freedom
As Peter Griffin was about to begin The Snap he needed a distraction so people wouldn't immediately go after him. To do this he freed Big Chungus from the Svalbard POW Camp. Big Chungus then got into contact with the YIP to begin plotting a plan to overthrow yetia, beginning the 9 Hours.
- 07:00 YIP and peter become allies
- 10:30 Chungus has been broken out of prison by peter griffin and green
- 11:15 YIP and Peter meet in germany
- 11:20 Chungus has become leader of the Y.I.P
- 11:40 Chungus has been told the plan of YIP
- 13:00 Queen christine III Has been murdered by peter and green.
- 14:15 Queen christine's brother Karl has been murdered aswell
- 14:30 Y.I.P says in parliament that it is important that prime minister has ppower until cchristines son is old enough
- 14:35 Parliament is split
- 14:50 Half of it escape to england to create a not y.ip place with Christine's son
- 15:00 Y.I.P Marches on yteia city
- 16:00 queen of sizzle killed
- 16:30 Y.I.P has taken control of the mainland and has declared the Yetian Empire
Civil War and the Isles
Following the formation of the Yetian Empire, much of the parliament escaped to take over the Newtown Project's testing area and England Province. This aggravated Big Chungus to launch an invasion of the areas to pacify the threat. During the invasion Yetia demanded Ireland submit to them, which they denied leading to Yetia invading from Cork and Galway. Sizzle intervened against this trying to launch an invasion of Yetia City, which failed leading to them signing a white peace. this alongside the invasion of the Yetian Loyalists was successful. Leading to the nations being incorporated into the Yetian Empire. The Loyalists final act was to send all their info to Sizzle. Omnia didn't feel safe anymore and bevgan evacuating and increasing its army. Following this Yetia attacked and invaded scotland, fighting the difficult battles of Edinburgh and Glasgow before completely taking over the nation. During this time Yetia also took over Abard.
Omnian Rebellion and the Kalevian Campaign
Yetia demanded Omnia submit to them as well, which Omnia declined and began setting up defences. In response Yetia revoked Omnia's land gains from the 9th Revolution. Chungus then issued a decree to take back the land Yetia once had, invading Kalevala. Following this Omnia and Kalevala signed a secret alliance, with plans to intervene against Yetia in the coming war between Yetia and Omnia. Following this Omnia sent some of its Eirnics to Kalevala to help them against Yetia, leading to Yetia to start invade Omnia. Yetian forces charged across the east of Omnia, while Omnia fought a hard battle towards Yetia City. Omnia began utilising new Void Technologies to fight Yetia in Kalevala and at home however Yetia's number and strengths was too much. Following this chaos Sizzle declared its neutrality. This does not do much, as Yetia began to crush remaining Omnian Resistance, forcing them to escape to Kalevala. In this they created Yetian Omnia and Alpine Province. Yetia turned all tis attention on kalevala, pushing relentlessly.
Kalevala did however try to hold them back, for example when they defeated the Yetians in Helsinki. Omnia began producing a lot more of its killer robots, searching for the large one which Red Leader tried to destroy Yetia with, which they eventually find in Algeria. Omnia began moving towards Newtown next. meanwhile Kalevala began its counter offensive in its own territory, encircling many Yetian forces. Omnia began moving to retake its land with the new giant robot it had. At the same time Kalevala began an offensive against Yetia, pushing them back relentlessly. Following this action Yetia aimed to improve its supply lines by attacking the Waclaw Colony. Lineland was then dragged into the war on the Anti-Yetian side.
Global Escalation
Now with Lineland in the war, the war truly became a world war. This followed with Sizzle declaring war on Yetia and attacking it. Following this the Coalition of Nations was founded as a united alliance of Anti-Yetian nations. The Yetian Revolutionaries rose up against Yetia from Turkey, conquering their way west. Sizzle helped Lineland free Scotland from occupation. Kalevala fully defeated Yetia in its territory and began invading thru Mecklenburg. Lineland striked against occupied Ireland to free it, as the now free scotland began moving into England. Yetian Revolutionaries forces crossed the bosphorus into Yetia while everything for yetia was starting to look bleak. Yetia to prevent its imminent collapse naval invaded Finnmark, owned by Kalevala causing Kalevala to release the Baltic Republic as a buffer, and retreated from Mecklenburg to deal with the new threat. Yetia continued this streak by occupying the Levant from Sarpistan to make a second front against the Yetian Revolutionaries, however all this did was bring Sarpistan into the war against Yetia.
Beginning of the end
The Yetian Revolutionaries formed together to create the Second Free Yetia, to overthrow Big Chungus. This move inspoired many more forces to begin rebellions against Big Chungus. Yetians become tired of the war and begin strikes. These groups seperate into 2, with the Pacifists aiming to covertly assassinate Big Chungus, while the rest join with Second Free Yetia. Sizzle began supporting them which caused Yetia to threaten nuclear war against Sizzle, however Second Free Yetia had already stolen the nukes and given them to Sizzle. Sizzle began invading Yetia City itself, and gained support from Sarpistan Lineland and Scotland to do this.
Collapse of the Imperium
Yetia began losing from all sides, especially in the west with the British Isles lost and Yetia City nearly being captured by Sizzle. In the east it wasnt much better with Second Free Yetia occupying much of the countryside. Because of all the chaos the Generals of the Yetian Empire attempted to overthrow chungus by forming the Provisional Government of the Yetian Empire. Shortly after its creation the 2 Yetian Empires were forced to consolidate to try to defend. Following this the Yetian Empire was crushed from 2 sides. Following this Yetia was occupied.
Abardean Liberation
Remaining Yetian Empire forces escaped to Abard, in which they fought desperately to keep hold of it. Forcing the civilians to defend to no avail, as the combined forces of Sizzle Lineland and Kalevala fell upon the remaining loyalists and big chungus himself. Big Chungus was about to get executed until the arm of Peter Griffin 2 from many years in the future grabbed him thru and time travelled him to their time.
Treaty of Yetia City
Post-Occupation Administration
Once the occupation zones are abolished administration of Yetia is to be handed over to the Second Free Yetia Movement.
Territorial Concessions
- Scotland annexes Northern England
- Ireland annexes the Isle of Mann
- Sarpistan annexes Cyprus
- Islandia annexes Fiji
- Omnia becomes fully independant
- Omnia annexes Alpine Province.
Miscellaneous Decisions
- The Yetian Commonwealth is Disbanded
- Yetian Army, Navy and Airforce are to be limited in tech and size.
- Yetia has to be neutral, and cannot declare wars for 20 years.
- The Coalition of Nations is preserved.
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Full Chronological Timeline | Ancient History • Extinction of the Ancientfolk • First Human-Yomtach War • Ancient History • The Great Sleep • Lost Archives • Rising tensions • The Empire Wars • Kalevian War of Independence • Catherian era • Later Empire Wars • First Void War - Aftermath • Discovery of the Eirnics • Eighth Yetian Revolution • Beginning of the Eirnic-Yetia Partnership • Second England War • Void Energy Deal • Information found about The Giver • 3 Day War • Yetian Reform • Founding of Poavak • Luxurian Investigation • Poavak-Manzheboyi War • New Empire War • Eirnic Controversy and Alpine Investigation • Ninth Yetian Revolution • Treaty of Ukraine • Liquim • Czecho-Hungaria Conflict • The Snap • World War 1 • Treaty of Taipei • 57 Scandimarian Election • Waclaw Independence Referendum • Yetian War of Independence • The Reversal • Establishment of Linelandic Russia • Yetian Refugee Crisis • Third England War • Red Leader's Investigation of YARS • {TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP} • The Insurgency • Operation: Red Messiah • Adriatic War • Divine Resurgence • Tenno's Travels • FROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI
Ancient History | Extinction of the Ancientfolk • First Human-Yomtach War • The Great Sleep |
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